Watch the Video below Based on past segments about the Privatization of NYCHA, on VOICES of East New York with Nikki Lucas, it has become...
Sign the Petition to #SaveNYCHA Full video at bottom of the page “What are elected officials doing to make sure developers are not...
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125 New Lottery Apartments Available at Van Dyke III in Brownsville With 4 Income Level Requirements
125 NEWLY CONSTRUCTED UNITS LOCATED AT 405 DUMONT AVENUE IN BROWNSVILLE BROOKLYN (CB #16). NYCHA residents receive a preference for 25% of...
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The Privatization of NYCHA Which Will Displace Thousands of Tenants: How We Can ‘Halt The Blueprint’
NYCHA is trying to move forward with their Blueprint privatization plan at breakneck speed. This plan, along with RAD, ends public housing...
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It’s an understatement to say that housing is hard to come by in New York City’s five boroughs. However, finding housing is a...
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The development is in Williamsburg / Bushwick. Development Name: 222 Johnson Avenue Apartments Address: 222 JOHNSON AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY...
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The Housing Lottery is now open for Nehemiah Spring Creek apartments next to the Gateway Mall. There are 214 rental apartments, including...
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Here’s The Application for the New Fountain Seaview Apartments in East New York Next To Gateway Mall
THE APPLICATION The Fountain Seaview applications are available and can be printed through the link below. The application is simple and...
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People throw around the term Generational Wealth, but many people do not know what it means. Generational Wealth represents assets passed...
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Kristen Hackett, member of The Justice for All Coalition, and writer of the OpEd ‘Three NYCHA Plans That Will Privatize NYCHA‘...