Applications opened this week through the NYC Lottery program, for 41 new apartments in East New York at 463 Livonia Avenue. Rents range from $590 per month for a one bedroom and up to $1,449 for a 3 bedroom. (See the income qualification chart below)
This development is part of the Livonia Avenue initiative that includes brand new buildings on the stretch of Livonia Avenue from Pennsylvania Ave. at the #3 train line to Van Sinderen at the L train line.
The application process started October 3, 2019 and the deadline to apply is December 3, 2019.
Apply at this link. Follow the instructions and links. Access to affordable housing is hard to come by so take your time and fill out the application. Be diligent and don’t give up.
Please note that is just spreading the information, and not involved in the application process.
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