Another East New York Lot Set To Become a Hotel Development

Posted By NYC Newswire

East New York is becoming the neighborhood for cheap hotels, as another one is set for development in the neighborhood.  This latest hotel will be loacated at 118 New Jersey Avenue,  three blocks from the J and Z trains at the Alabama Avenue subway station. The new development is between Atlantic Avenue and Fulton Street.

East New York has seen an influx of hotel developments, which most likely will end up transitioning to become homeless shelters.

See this previous article about new hotels in East New York, on Sheffield Ave.

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Content Distributed by: NYC Newswire

2 thoughts on “Another East New York Lot Set To Become a Hotel Development

  1. Antonia Daniels Reply

    What are our elected officials doing? Why aren’t these hotel/homeless shelters being stopped and investigated? We’re not a dumplng ground for everyone’s homeless. Something had to be done. Every neighborhood should take part in housing homeless.

    1. shirley thompson Reply

      What going on over 18 shelter and more hotel what are we the dumping ground.. That’s not fair everyone all 5 boroughs should have a part in this mess. Lord help us.

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