“This free interactive six-week series will help build stronger readers. Explore strategies to improve reading skills and enjoy hands-on activities to encourage a lifelong love of reading. For children aged 5 to 9 and participating parents or caregivers.
April 14: Be Curious
Learn how to pause and ask questions to be a more curious reader.
April 21: “Just Right” Books
Kids will learn strategies for choosing a book that’s “just right” for independent reading.
April 28: Story Mapping
Utilize fun game techniques to build comprehension.
May 5: Making Connections
How do our personal experiences help us to understand what we’re reading?
May 12: Interactive Storytelling
Increase fluency by mastering speed, accuracy and expression through interactive storytelling techniques.
May 19: “Real-Life” Reading
Explore strategies for engaging reluctant readers through a variety of genres.
Team Up To Read is supported by generous funding from the Altman Foundation.”
Click here for more information!
Canarsie Library
1580 Rockaway Pkwy. at Ave. J
Brooklyn, NY 11236
Sat, Apr 28 2018
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Information/Image via bklynlibrary.org
I would like to see this reading workshop held in Staten Island.