In East New York, Nikki Lucas Will Be Supporting A Turkey Giveaway, Meet & Greet and Small Business Recognition at Gateway Pharmacy Saturday Nov 21

Posted By NYC Newswire

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Today it was announced that Community Advocate Nikki Lucas, the Gateway Pharmacy, Carpenters Union and JFlex Eyewear will be working together to support a community event in East New York that includes a turkey giveaway, meet & greet and small business recognition.

“During this pandemic it’s good to know that there are organizations like the Carpenters Union willing to giveback as we head into the holiday season. Providing families with turkeys just before Thanksgiving is a great gesture of support”, stated Community Advocate, Nikki Lucas. “I’ll be on hand to support the event and meet community members to discuss their needs and concerns in order to create real solutions for the future of East New York.”

The Small Business Recognition initiative was created as a result of last week’s livestream of VOICES of East New York with Nikki Lucas. The 10 year old CEO of JFlex Eyewear, Jabez Robinson, and his mom, Dana Burnett, were guests on the show last week.  During the show Nikki Lucas suggested that they have a sort of Open House Saturday November 21, as a way to feature JFlex Eyewear as a small business that the community should be aware of.

“JFlex is happy to be a part of this community event, particularly during this time of the pandemic when families are suffering. I want to applaud Nikki Lucas for the work she is doing to support families and small businesses for the holidays”, stated Dana Burnett, Business Manager of JFlex.

“On behalf of Gateway Pharmacy, we would like to thank JFlex Eyewear, the Carpenters Union and Nikki Lucas for this awesome give back to our Community. We want everyone to know that we are here to serve the community for all pharmaceutical needs”, stated Saiful Haque, Gateway Pharmacy Manager.

The Turkey Giveaway will begin at 2pm and will end when the turkeys are gone. Turkeys will be given away on a first come first serve basis, while supplies last. Nikki Lucas will meet and greet community members and introduce them to the young CEO of JFlex Eyewear.

The Gateway Pharmacy is located at 1184 Elton St,, Brooklyn NY 11239, just steps from the entrance of the Gateway Mall, on the Elton St side. (Across from the Fusion East restaurant)

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Content Distributed by: NYC Newswire

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