East New York News has announced its slate of endorsements for the Democratic Primary. The digital media outlet is endorsing Eric Adams for Mayor, Nikki Lucas for City Council in the 42nd District, Kevin Parker for Comptroller, Jumaane Williams for Public Advocate and for Brooklyn Borough President Khari Edwards is the number one choice and Kim Council is their second choice. These are the six candidates that residents of East New York and Brownsville should be voting for during this 2021 Primary Election. This list exclusively takes into account the impact these candidates will have on East New York and Brownsville. “As the only news outlet dedicated to East New York we are concerned about East New York and Brownsville, which are both impacted equally because of their proximity to one another”, stated Cheryl Townsend, editor of JIG Media. “Our sister news outlet is BrownsvilleNews.org, which also endorses these six candidates. The bottom line is if you live in East New York or Brownsville then these 6 candidates would be your best choices.”
These local and citywide candidates are the absolute best picks for East New York and Brownsville residents, to improve affordable housing, health care, education, homelessness, arts and unemployment in East Brooklyn. Other candidates might be better for other areas of New York City, but these are the candidates that will help East New York and Brownsville the most. These candidates will bring equity, legislation and innovation. If you live in East New York or Brownsville put these candidates down and as your number one choice on the ballot.
MAYOR: Eric Adams
Eric Adams is the only candidate in the NYC Mayoral race, with a realistic chance of winning, who can relate to the residents of East New York and Brownsville, neighborhoods that have been suffering for years because there has never been a Mayor who can relate to the needs of these particular neighborhoods. Adams understands that being secure in your neighborhood is important, but he also understands that the residents are hard working people who deserve respect from the NYPD, the same respect that is given to residents of the Upper East Side and Park Slope.
With Adams as Mayor residents of East New York and Brownsville have the best chance for equity when it comes to resources and equity.
Eric Adams on Housing:
- Repurpose City office buildings for affordable housing.
- We will convert a number of City office buildings into 100 percent affordable housing by taking advantage of more City workers working from home and consolidating workers that will still be in-person to free up space.
- Allow private office buildings and hotels to become housing.
- The pandemic emptied many of our hotels and office buildings. In some cases, their owners want to convert the buildings to housing, but City regulations make that either too expensive or too challenging. With some zoning tweaks and other rule changes, we can allow appropriate conversions and add desperately needed housing stock — particularly at hotels in the outer boroughs.
- Think big by building small.
- Outdated rules prevent New York developers from building the kind of small, cheaper micro-units common around the world. Homeowners in single family zones are prevented from legally leasing “accessory units” like “granny flats.” And single room occupancy units, or SROs, and basement apartments are still illegal, despite their common use elsewhere. By allowing all of these to be built or legally used, we will quickly add hundreds-of-thousands of affordable apartments.
- Prioritize those who need supportive housing the most.
- New Yorkers in local shelters — especially those who lived in the neighborhood beforehand and were displaced — will be prioritized for supportive housing. So too will young people aging out of foster care, who should be given every chance at starting off adulthood on the right foot.
Nikki Lucas is the only candidate in the 42nd District City Council race who has a real plan to move East New York and Brownsville forward. Her 21st Century Rescue Plan for East Brooklyn is needed because East New York and Brownsville have been neglected in terms of receiving the proper resources for the past 20 years. Nikki Lucas brings fresh ideas with a real plan to turn those ideas into reality.
Lucas’ partnership with Senator Roxanne Persaud and Congressman Hakeem Jeffries, who both represent East New York and Brownsville communities, is another reason we are endorsing her. Both Persaud and Jeffries have officially endorsed Lucas. In order to bring resources to the community all levels of local government must work in partnership, which has been lacking in the district over the past 20 years.
We really like her Police Reform Plan, which includes the automatic removal of NYPD officers who have three substantiated resident complaints, tax breaks for homeowners instead of large developers, and her plan to develop a State of the Art Performing Arts and Business Technology Center in East Brooklyn. These are innovative ideas that make sense to move East Brooklyn forward.
Nikki Lucas 21st Century Rescue Plan for East Brooklyn: (Read the Full Plan)
- Real Police Reform & Accountability
- Real Affordable Housing
- NYC Public Safety Commission
- Development of a state of the art East Brooklyn Performing Arts, Wellness & Business Technology Center
- Health Equity
- Investment in Education
- Investment in Technology for Students and Seniors
Kevin Parker, like Eric Adams, is the only candidate who can relate to the residents of East New York and Brownsville. He understands the issues that need to be addressed because he knows the communities.
Parker says he will oversee the city’s spending on public safety to ensure that evidence-based programs that prevent New Yorkers from turning to crime are funded, and not spending on policing. Parkers also opposes budget cuts that would reduce the cleanliness of communities.
Kevin Parker on Affordable Housing:
As Comptroller, I will advocate for more affordable housing in our city. This should include an expansion of the Mandatory Inclusionary Housing program to create rent-regulated units in more developments. And this must be truly affordable, instead of units deemed “affordable” because someone with an annual income of $77,000 could afford it. I will also advocate for smarter spending on homeless services. This includes more spending on supportive housing and rental assistance. I will also create an Office of the Comptroller Oversight Committee comprised of public and private officials to ensure our City is offering adequate affordable housing units to those who need it.
I will also review homeless service providers contracted with the city to ensure they are engaging in best practices so that street homeless are willing to enter shelters. And when approving contracts for homeless facilities, I will enforce Fair Share criteria.
PUBLIC ADVOCATE: Jumaane Williams
Jumaane Williams is the only person in the Public Advocate race who has the ability and understanding to advocate for the people of East New York and Brownsville on multiple issues, from housing to health care, to education.
Jumaane Williams on Education:
I’m proud to proclaim I am a public school baby, from preschool to Master’s. We must improve the quality of public education for students across New York City with a focus on ending the practice of chronically underfunding public schools that serve minority and immigrant communities. As Public Advocate, I will draw attention to this inequality, advocate for the fair share of resources that are ours by right and law (including finally receiving Campaign for Fiscal Equity funding), and support our teachers.
BROOKLYN BOROUGH PRESIDENT: #1 Khari Edwards | #2 Kim Council
These two candidates relate to the residents of East New York and Brownsville, with total understanding of what is needed to help to move the communities forward.
We are choosing Khari Edwards as the number one choice because of his real experience with health care, as a former Executive of Brookdale Hospital. Having Khari as the Borough President will be a plus when it comes to our chances of having equitable health care in East New York and Brownsville. Khari understands the resources that were denied to Brookdale while he was an executive. As Borough President he would be able to fight within the system to bring the proper resources to Brookdale. If you care about health care in East New York and Brownsville then Khari is the clear choice.
Khari Edwards on Health Care:
- Utilize the capital budget to provide more funding for hospitals, mental health programs, and addiction treatment.
- Work with local hospitals to bring doctors directly in to increase wellness visits for seniors, children and families.
- Expand COVID testing across Brooklyn – more mobile sites, a testing site for every borough, more testing sites at senior centers and schools.
- Place focus on the fact that an ounce of prevention is a pound of cure. So many issues can be helped with preemptive care – health and wellness programs, eliminate food deserts, funding for pantries, and health education play a role in increasing health outcomes, and need to be a priority.
Kim Council is our clear number two because of her involvement in East New York and Brownsville. The fact the she lives in East New York is an extreme benefit. East New York and Brownsville are far too often overlooked by elected officials who are unfamiliar with the neighborhoods.
Kim Council on NYCHA:
“The New York City Housing Authority used to be a model for the nation. Now it’s a national embarrassment.”
- Pressure the city, state, and federal government to fully fund NYCHA
- Pressure the Mayor to ensure NYCHA has better management.
- Help manufacturing businesses, especially green businesses, locate near NYCHA projects and hire NYCHA residents.
- Dedicate capital funds to improving community spaces in NYCHA.
- Demand that every NYCHA resident have access to affordable high speed internet.
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