“Community Eats” is a series of three events that are centered around building a platform for hyper-local residents of Brownsville and East New York bringing together public art, nutritional food preparation, and guided discussion to help build social capital for the residents of Howard Houses and Brownsville.
#CommunitySoup a micro-granting dinner, the last event of the series, is where local residents will get to pitch their ideas to their fellow community members with the top two competitors winning a cash prize. This event will be hosted at the Howard Houses Farms on Thursday, November 7th 2019 between the hours of 1-4pm at 60 Glenmore Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11212.
The previous two events included #CommunityJam and #CommuniTEA.
#CommunityJam took place August 23rd 2019. where Universe City NYC & The F.A.R.M. invited local musicians to share their talents and JAM out while local chefs prepared jam out of produce that was grown at the Howard Houses Farm. Chefs then instructed a live demonstration sharing the importance of preserving produce and techniques for canning.
#CommuniTEA took place September 14th 2019. Universe City NYC & The FARM invited local residents to come out and enjoy a “Tea Tasting”, while also participating in a community discussion about most desired businesses/ opportunities they would like -to see become available in the Brownsville & East New York Community. Other local business owners including Brooklyn Tea, Dropping Seeds, and Leq’s Sweet Touch also came out to promote their businesses and show their support.
Community Eats is curated and produced by Universe City NYC and The F.A.R.M. (Foundation for the Advancement & Rehabilitation of the Marginalized) in partnership with Green City Force, NYCHA. AmeriCorps, DYCD, and M.A.P.
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