This year’s Governors Ball Music Festival takes place June 5-7, 2020, with a massive lineup of artists. The event takes place in New...
As the race to become New York City’s next mayor heats up, Brooklyn Borough President, Eric Adams, is making his way across the city...
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pictured, Danny Mixon Here’s a list of New Year’s Eve jazz events happening throughout Brooklyn. Courtesy Central Brooklyn Jazz...
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If you haven’t received your flu shot yet you still have time before the harshest winter weather hits New York City. Live Well...
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Today it was announced that has launched the East New York Events Calendar, which will inform the community on what’s...
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It was just announced that Fusion East Caribbean Soul Restaurant is giving away a 65 inch television as part of their Holiday Karaoke Mix...
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The 2019 Naturally Cut Fitness Expo is being held at the Brooklyn Sports Club Saturday December 7, 2019. The Expo will feature over 30 of...
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Come out to enjoy a Holiday Mix & Mingle at Fusion East Caribbean Soul Restaurant Saturday December 21, 2019. (see the flyer below...
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photo by Stan Parham of BrooklynBuzz – Nikki Lucas (center) with 2 Thanksgiving Turkey Winners) The New York for Seniors Health &...
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New York for Seniors is providing free raffles, with a chance for up to 10 seniors to win a turkey just in time for Thanksgiving. The...