Development in Brownsville and East New York is very real. Residents must get engaged in order to have a voice with your elected officials, to ensure they are making the right development decisions on your behalf. This means going to your community board meetings, staying updated on digital media, like and, and most of all you must Register to Vote.
Brownsville and East New York are getting ready to have billions of dollars poured into the neighborhoods for development, but the voter turnout is low. Developers and politicians look at voter turnout numbers, and those numbers give them an idea of how much pushback they will receive from the community when “affordable housing”, isn’t truly affordable. Gentrification happens while you are sleeping, so stay woke, and registered.
Brownsville advocate, Chris Legree, is hosting a Voter Registration Drive to help residents get registered before the August 19, 2018 deadline. Residents can Register to Vote Thursday August 16, 2018, at the Greg Jackson Center, from 4pm-7pm. The Greg Jackson Center is located at 519 Rockaway Ave. (bet. Sutter and Belmont)
Why are our elected officials allowing the city department to issue permits to take down NEHEMIAH HOMES in order to build apartment houses. There by destroying the structure of the attached homes. It shows no regard for affordable home ownership. Example of this type of destruction is Legion Street off Pitkin Ave. I see another permit issued for a home at Bradford Street to be demolished.